Early Signs of Labor That Mean Your Body is Getting Ready

Before your contractions inch closer and closer together and before your water breaks, your body gives many clues that it’s readying for birth. Some of those early labor signs are subtle and some are eye-poppingly obvious!

Early labor sign #1: Your baby has dropped.

Anywhere from a few weeks to a few hours before active labor begins, your baby’s head will drop into your pelvis in preparation for birth. This phenomenon is called lightening and, oddly enough, it’s not that noticeable…until you glance in the mirror and see the shape of your abdomen has changed! Bonus: That shortness of breath you’ve been suffering could improve big-time as the baby shifts down, away from your diaphragm. Less of a bonus: You may experience new pelvic heaviness or discomfort—and an increased need to urinate.

Early labor sign #2: You feel the urge to nest.

In the days leading up to the birth, you might get a sudden burst of energy coupled with the desire to clean, organize, or prepare for your baby. This is called nesting, and it’s thought that the urge to organize comes from an instinctual desire to create a safe space for the new baby.  While it’s lovely to get all those little bodysuits folded, bottles sterilized, and sleep space set up before the big day, don’t overdo the physical labor. In fact, this is the perfect time to enlist your friends and family for help! (However, if you do need inspiration for putting those final touches on your baby’s room, browse our favorite nursery designs!)

Early labor sign #3: You stop gaining—or lose—weight.

If you’ve been steadily gaining weight during the third trimester as your body continues to nourish your baby, you may notice the number on the scale stops ticking upward in the days leading up to your due date. And, some parents-to-be actually lose between 1 and 3 pounds around this time thanks to lower levels of amniotic fluids and more frequent bathroom visits. (This is totally normal and won’t impact the baby’s weight.)

Early labor sign #4: Your cervix dilates.

The cervix is a thumb-long span of tissue that connects the vagina and the uterus (womb). During pregnancy, the cervix should remain long and closed. (Premature opening of the cervix, called cervical insufficiency or an incompetent cervix, is a serious concern.) However, as labor nears, the cervix starts to efface (shorten and thin out) and dilate (open). (Here’s more info on dilation and effacement.) You won’t necessarily feel these early changes, but some expecting parents do experience menstrual-like cramps during early dilation. More often than not, the first time many folks learn that their cervix is beginning to dilate is when their doctor does an exam and announces “We’re getting closer. You’re already 1 centimeter dilated!” The tricky part is that “closer” may mean hours…or a couple of weeks! When labor does come, the cervix will eventually dilate a full 10 centimeters (4 inches).

Early labor sign #5: You feel more fatigued than usual.

Don’t be surprised if one day you’re full of pep and the next…you’re totally spent. In that way, the end of the third trimester can look a lot like the first trimester…when you really needed a nap! Although sleeping can be challenging when you’re nine months pregnant, try your best to get some sleep and save your energy. (Follow our advice for help getting sleep while pregnant.) Being rested will come in very handy—after all, they call it labor for a reason.

Early labor sign #6: Your back pain worsens.

That dull ache in your back is here to tell you that your muscles and joints are stretching and shifting, getting ready for labor. Taking warm showers, going for leisurely walks, or asking your partner to massage your lower back can all help. But, if your back pain gets increasingly worse, please call your doctor or midwife… your baby might be arriving soon! 

Early labor sign #7: You’ve got diarrhea.

A day or two before labor begins, hormones called prostaglandins go to work to help soften (or ripen) your cervix so it can start to open. The downside? These same hormones may cause diarrhea. (Pregnancy sure is glamorous, isn’t it?!) The silver lining: Emptying your bowels allows your uterus to contract more efficiently during labor, so that’s a big win! Because diarrhea can cause dehydration, keep swigging water, and you’ll be fine!

Early labor sign #8: You’re getting clumsy.

Surprise: Being a klutz could be an early sign of labor! As your body readies for labor, you’ll experience an increase in the hormone relaxin, which helps widen your pelvis for birth. But because relaxin affects all your joints, that means other parts of your body can start to feel loose, too, causing you to be clumsier than usual. Watch your step!

Early labor sign #8: You’ll notice increased vaginal discharge.

Watery, sticky, thick…maybe even pink: Your vagina may release more secretions and mucus than you’re used to as your body practices lubricating your birth canal, making it easier for your baby to slide out when the time comes! The discharge may also be pieces of your mucus plug breaking off…more on that in a second! 

Early labor sign #9: You’ll experience “bloody show.”

During pregnancy, your cervix is sealed shut with a plug of sticky mucus…aka the mucus plug! When the cervix starts dilating (opening), the mucus plug starts to disintegrate and can release a thick, blood-tinged discharge a few days before labor begins. Despite its name, the bloody show should not present as bright red blood…so, if you see that, call your provider immediately.